Welcome to a new year, a new AGM and a new Executive Committee!
President: Derek Weeks dweek2@eq.edu.au
Vice President: Rhys Cassidy rcass34@eq.edu.au
Professional Development Officer: Elliot Duncanson ewdun0@eq.edu.au
Treasurer: James Hamlyn jhaml15@eq.edu.au
Secretary: Michelle Parker mlpar0@eq.edu.au
Regional Representative: Chris Savage csava35@eq.edu.au
Administration Officer: Elizabeth Heck atomqld1@gmail.com
Aimee Gust agust6@eq.edu.au
Daniel Osmolowski dosmo1@eq.edu.au
Simon Rogers sroge121@eq.edu.au
Moneth Montemayor mmont62@eq.edu.au
Trevor Norman tnorm22@eq.edu.au
Suzanne Hedges Suzanne.Hedges@churchie.com.au
Jane Shields jshie59@eq.edu.au
Greta Evangelista gevan37@eq.edu.au
We are also on the lookout for representatives of Independent and Catholic Education media teachers / schools – please get in contact if you are interested in having a say and sharing resources.